Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ex-MP Mahon leaves Labour Party

Former Labour MP Alice Mahon has resigned from the party saying she has "lost faith with it".

Reasons include the following:

She remained to see if Gordon Brown could make Labour "caring". Mrs Mahon said: "I couldn't have been more wrong".

Many promises in the 2005 election manifesto had been broken.

We said that we would not privatise the Royal Mail, and we're going ahead and privatising part of it. (IMO: What's worse there could be a "public/private/partnership", effectively Brown's nickname for "fascism".)

We said we would give people a referendum on the [EU] constitution. And yet the Lisbon Treaty has just been rushed through Parliament with no referendum and that's another promise we've broken.(IMO: This could lead to Europe also becoming a fascist organiusation).

The final push came after the recent scandal surrounding emails sent by Mr Brown's special adviser, Damian McBride, who sent e-mails proposing unfounded slurs about senior Tories. (IMO: The Tories would be even worse if they get the chance).

The government's Welfare Reform Bill is an assault on people with disabilities and the poor and that it is remarkable it is being inflicted in the middle of a recession.(IMO: Not remarkable with criminal fascists like the Brown mob in charge).

There is bewilderment… that as a government we have not taken on the bankers, who are still doing as they please and taking large bonuses. (IMO: What you would expect from Gordon Brown).

The Government seem unwilling or unable to take them on, we expect the Labour Party to take people on in that situation.

She said "I have reached the conclusion that there is not any avenue left in the structure of the Labour party for people like me. Any threat from anybody marginally from the left and… the party machine comes down on them like a ton of bricks."

IMO: I've thought much the same as all the above for some time.

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