Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Budget – what Darling said, and what Darling meant

Microsoft News seems to give a remarkably accurate translation of the UK budget into English.

The budget seems to be in realtor-speak (RS) and not English (E).

Example: RS: open-plan bijou living space with en-suite washing and cooking facilities. E: cheap bedsitter.

RS: "this is a global recession" E: "None of this is our fault"

RS: "Some have argued that we should cut public services immediately, rather than invest and grow our way out of the recession. That would be the wrong thing to do." E: "You must be joking if you think I'm going to cut public spending right before an election and alienate the last group of people who'll still vote for us."

RS: "I believe that it is fair that those who have gained the most should contribute more." E: "We're going to tax the rich until their pips squeak."

RS: "You can grow your way out of recession. You cannot cut your way out." E: "Please keep buying gilts"

RS: Growth will "increasingly come from... the industries of the future, such as low-carbon, advanced manufacturing and communications." E: "Our tax cash cows of high oil prices, soaring house prices and a thriving financial sector are all dead - what on earth will we do now?"

RS: "The unexpected severity of the recession has led the IMF to downgrade its own forecasts for the world economy three times since October". E: "I might have a terrible forecasting record, but so does everyone else"

IMO: Comments I have just previously made in my blog, also apply. Given Darling spoke realtor-speak and not English, the budget was remarkably honest.

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