Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dirty Bombs - A remedy

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith claimed an increasing amount of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear material has become available around the world and that it could fall into the hands of extremists living in Britain.

IMO: Perhaps through nuclear expert A.Q. Khan, recently deliberately released by Pakistan and its ISI ?

A dossier on the activities of some UK men recently in Pakistan is to be given to British anti-terrorist workers. It is claimed the men have trained with groups linked to al Qaeda and the Taliban and pose a potential threat to British security. Their details have been compiled by Pakistan's intelligence service, the ISI.

IMO: The trouble with this is, the ISI certainly cannot be trusted and may well leak wrong or inappropriate names to suit their hidden agenda, which itself could be pro-Taliban. Already a large lump of Pakistan in the Swat valley has been taken by the Taliban, apparently with ISI permission or default, who are amusing themselves by flogging buggers and female adulterers (seen on UK TV). It seems the Taliban like a little fascist style Max Mosely entertainment. Certainly Taliban behaviour follows the traditions of Islam, in terms of tactics.

First steps to a Remedy: Four members of the US House of Representatives on Thursday introduced a bill that would cut off military aid to Pakistan unless the United States is allowed to question disgraced nuclear scientist AQ Khan.

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