Saturday, February 14, 2009

Secular bigots also destroy Valentines Day

Some Hindus and Muslims have threatened to disrupt Valentine's Day programs, but others, including Christians, see such actions as politically motivated moves in an election year.

Hindu groups have threatened that their members would look out for couples celebrating the special day in public and take them to temples where they would be married.Other Hindu groups also vowed not to allow "vulgarity" on Valentine's Day, and a Muslim group joined them.

IMO: Some disrupters may be overdoing it, and reducing the impact of those who genuinely want to stop corrupt practices such as those commonly used in the West. This is partly because such protests can encourage libertarian groups who often have a personal and a financial aim. That sort of thing can be encouraged by the media and by pubs etc. This has increased the decline of the West already. Even secular bigots can see this in cases like FOREST in the West, a pro-smoking group joined by ignorant idealists and tobacco companies.

And it is no good the Churches claiming 'tolerance' and saying it is all political. What do they think they are themselves ? Often enough intolerant and political is what they are as well, like it or not.

IMO: I would feel I have to largely agree that "vulgarity" shouldn't be tolerated. The Christian Churches have often been far too vulgar, and particularly at some Catholic churches the sexual morality at their dances is intolerable even to some catholic westerners, but most "just do not want to know" about what goes on just like the alleged spectators of the alleged fate of Jesus.

IMO: Hindus, Muslims and thinking seculars all have a problem. Nobody wants to suppress freedom but much of current trends - desire for cars and other material possessions as well as well as promiscuous behaviour - often not only run against faith and common sense but also spectacularly harm others and the enviroment. And the current trend to pub culture is not only harmful but like cigarette smoking, bad for the environment. People have a rather basic right to their own freedom but, purely as an example, I do not see that big firms which cause mischief, like Kingfisher Beer, have ANY basic rights of that sort and it is these which ultimately have to be targeted. People like Lakoff have studied such matters and something can be done. We must remember though that secularists, often for self defense, can often be a group with more problems than even the established churches.

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