Friday, February 06, 2009

Release of A.Q. Kahn

It is alarming news for the world that Kahn has been released.

Pakistan's indication that he is by now a spent force would even to a non scientist seem to be extremely premature and to anyone else it is obvious that his numerous existing contacts etc. provide a serious danger to world security.

Well within my memory, India and Pakistan were the same nation, and even today the people are the same. Because of the links of Pakistan to the USA, Pakistan has become a failed nation with a future of only disreputable leaders. Whilst India is a Hindu nation, as Pakistan some day may become, with all the problems that could bring, religion is not the problem. A current Muslim President of the USA testifies to that. Obama may well say he is not a Muslim and that may well be his view. That is his right in a free society.

But the problem currently is the bankrupcy of Pakistan, the continued corruption and waste in Pakistan, the thoroughly rotten and certainly not Muslim politics in Pakistan and many other things, including very importantly the release of A.Q. Kahn.

What should be done ? The traditional European comic's suggestion would be. "We are bankrupt, our only hope now is to declare war on the United States". With A.Q. Kahn on the loose, we can hope that will not happen.

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