Saturday, February 07, 2009

Jacqui Smith said to stolen £116,000 from taxpayers

According to The Mail on Sunday, the UK Home Secretary has fiddled her expenses to the amount of £116,000.00. And it may be that her husband takes £40,000 a year for "nominal" work.

Gordon Brown has realistically 'shamed' the crooked bankers - who could well be executed in some countries (like China where it has happened), so you would think he could ensure that his own cabinet will behave honestly.

Obama would have had to sack such people, but the UK is a 'small' country in more ways than one.

IMO: Brown spoke reasonably (from the UK standpoint) at Davos and it seems a pity that his work is undermined by usual UK petty criminals, like the Home Secretary. Some consider that all the UK people are crooks, though I think that is exaggerating the problem. It is different in India, a poor country where people try hard to better themselves and families.

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