Monday, February 09, 2009

Anti-Corruption Group Calls for Investigation of Jacqui Smith

The Centre for Open Politics has allegedly written to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards making a formal complaint regarding Jacqui Smith's expense fiddles.

Sources reasonably suggest "The obtaining by deception offences under the Theft Act 1967 are no longer law. The conduct might, however, amount to an offence under the Fraud Act. However, liability hinges on "dishonesty", and as so many MPs have their snouts in the trough it is quite possible Ms Smith could argue that she (like other MPs) did not realise normal people would consider her conduct dishonest!"

IMO: I think that public standards in the UK have fallen grossly. Profumo had to resign, effectively simply because of consorting with a lady with whom it was suggested that consorting with would be disapproved of by society, something good enough for Christ. Then it got to the point where at least one Tory minister was running at least one brothel, perhaps a chain of brothels, and simply seems to have been given a foreign posting. Now, irrespective of politics, the UK has come down to this ! God help us all !

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