Tuesday, July 22, 2008

US praises India's Singh over nuclear pact

253 deputies backed the government, 232 voted against and two abstained, according to results from electronic voting displayed by the parliament's official channel.

IMO: What difference does this make to the ordinary Indian ? Maybe no blackouts, but after the continuing supercrush conditions on Western Region after track quadrupling I have some doubts. I have had to travel in the ladies compartment to come home in one piece. The main thing is that it is nice to be on good terms with USA, but not so nice to be their dupe or stooge, as the UK seems to have been over Iraq. Countless billions of dollars also went missing there, which makes one suspect Tony B. Liar and his cronies. And if you need to know whether people like George Fernandes are nice fellows, ask Tehelkha who may have a clue. At the same time Mrs. Gandhi must already have suffered because of activities during the Tamil wars. Not a nice situation, but could be worse.Billions of Indian money to be spent in America ? I will not make a quip and say that at least it will not be on Bofors guns, as history has an unpleasant habit of repeating its failures.

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