Monday, July 07, 2008

Ray Lewis resignation is a sign of Tory Party in disarray

London Times: Mr Lewis claimed on Thursday that he was a Justice of the Peace, but this was contradicted yesterday by the Government. The mayor, Boris Johnson said that Mr Lewis remained an “inspiring figure”, he said his confidence had been shaken by the discovery yesterday that his aide was not a “fully-fledged Justice of the Peace”. He had to sack Lewis.

IMO: Also we are left with the clear impression, politics aside, that Lewis seems to be a con man. Sure, Tories are known as troughies, Major's attitude to peaceful motorway protestors reeked of Adolf Hitler and we could expect the same from a new Tory Govt and Major's secret personal life was immoral and antiracial, and he made lots of money in USA by apparently spilling UK secrets - and so on and so forth - but out and out confidence trickery is over the odds. It is only disclosures by the Anglican Church that has allowed this discovery. FULL MARKS TO THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND FOR ONCE.

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