Saturday, July 05, 2008

Nuclear deal supplement in sify

Sify has an interesting supplement covering the Indian nuclear deal, here.

Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission Dr Anil Kakodkar has stated that the sooner the nuclear deal was concluded, it would be better for the country, and said that uranium import could stave off energy crisis

The Director.of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Dr Srikumar Banerjee has said that India was looking at meeting the uranium needs of the reactors through new exploration He also indicated that India was going ahead to commission eight new generation reactors of 700 megawatts each.

Another senior nuclear scientist who has been critical of the 123 agreement, Dr Placid Rodriguez, pointed out that even though the country needed uranium, the 123 agreement opened the door to US to sell their defence products than supply uranium.

IMO: The "filthy dirty scoundrels", ecologically speaking, are China and USA. It would be nice if India could go for clean energy, as far as possible, and whilst nuclear is not brilliant, India can still try to avoid being in the China/USA planet-murderers league. I have even thought of building an electric Nano, a sort of updated US version of the 'Voltswagen' (ie electrified VW).

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