Sunday, June 01, 2008

Carnage during Tube alcohol party

A party to celebrate the last night before Boris Johnson's ban on drinking alcohol on the London Underground caused widespread disruption with six stations having to be closed and 17 people arrested. Four train drivers and three other London Underground staff were assaulted, one police vehicle was damaged and two officers assaulted and another injured. A number of trains were also damaged.

Union leaders called on Boris Johnson to apologise to London Underground staff today after they were assaulted and spat on during last night’s ‘booze party’, organised to mark the start of the Mayor alcohol ban on public transport.

IMO: At least Johnson tried to put a stop to the train boozing. At the time of the 2000 celebrations I, an inoffensively behaving teetotaller, was in fact pushed and kicked under a train at Earl's Court. Fortunately I escaped from between the train and the carriage before it started. I am surprised that there have been no more deaths and injuries than there already have been from the loutish behaviour of Londoners.I would still consider cancelling the ridiculous and expensive London Olympic Games. They nearly used an (obscene) Goetze as the Olympic symbol, which speaks for the level of likely ill management.

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