Friday, June 20, 2008

Burnham redux

London "Times" say on Burnham: “Everyone drinks in their university days but I find it strange that the man charged with curbing binge-drinking in this country was himself a member of an exclusive drinking society that was notorious in the Cambridge network.” "He may have gone up to Cambridge as a working-class Scouser but soon Mr Burnham was donning his blazer and the society's tie for a night on the town." “He was a heavy drinker,” his old friend told The Times. “The guy was wrecked a lot, as a lot of people were then. There were a lot of borderline alcoholics.”

So we do have an apparent heavy drinker being appointed by the Government to curb binge - drinking. Par for the course for UK politics - but stupid ? I think not. I am not complaining about the Indian company Kingfisher Beer, but don't they now run Argos (UK and India), Woolworths (UK) etc. etc.etc., and also groups like Kingfisher Airways, which I'd guess back home is about the size of Easyjet. There is a reason for Kingfisher's success and it could be confirmed by the proprietor of Kingfisher, according to his Indian TV comments. The Indian Government were determined to make India teetotal and this is consonant with the local Hindu and Muslim religions. But the boss of Kingfisher saw that it was not being done in a way that would work, for local reasons like sly grog shops and native brew, so he bought up the local pubs, then when the insufficiently planned teetotal methods did not work, the local beer shops had to reopen and he made an enormous fortune. Maybe there will be a somewhat equivalent scenario in the UK.

IMO: The present UK Government is corrupt. It encourages corruption, of a sort that can only harm individual health and the well being of voters. Also it will mean that NHS money has to be wasted on curing the UK drunks, and vital policing services wasted to curb drunks.Throw out the drunken bum politicians for a start.

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