Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bishop makes useful comments

The Rt Rev Richard Chartres has written to Rev Martin Dudley, warning the homosexual 'wedding' ceremony he carried out in his church, complete with the exchange of vows and rings, broke Church of England rules. The letter is given in full here, a very brief extract follows: "The real issue is whether you wilfully defied the discipline of the Church and broke your oath of canonical obedience to your Bishop."

IMO: These gay people are continually trying to push back the boundaries and in doing so, often give grave and serious offence. Harvey Milk, for example, struck me as being a nice enough fellow but he had clearly tried to push back the boundaries too far, by trying to insist that buggery classes be essential in all US schools. A pedophile's daydream which reasonably led to Milk's assassination. I'm sure much more could be said.

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