Saturday, June 21, 2008

Anglican problem with poofters - news from Africa

Some UK priests apparently say - no poofters. Others do not. The Archbishop of Uganda explains here what is behind the meeting in Israel this week,. Some brief details:

Is the crisis in the Anglican Communion about homosexuality?The crisis is about authority. Homosexuality is only the presenting issue. All four Instruments of Unity in the Anglican Communion The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Lambeth Conference of Bishops, The Primates Meeting and the Anglican Consultative Council advised against the American Church approving homosexual relationships. Yet, the American Church openly defied these resolutions and there was no disciplinary action taken against them. Furthermore, the apparent lack of resolve to take action manifests a deeper crisis, namely a crisis of confidence in the authority of the Word of God as the ultimate standard of faith and moral living.

Can anything good come out of this crisis? YES. As Christians we are always people of hope.

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