Tuesday, April 01, 2008

China publishing terabytes of porn

That fact was discovered by the Cult of the Dead Cow (a traditional blackish hat hacker site), using Goolag Scanner. Terabytes of pornographic content have been published on Chinese government Web servers.

The porn seems to have been for local Chinese use, and not as part of a subtle plot to corrupt the West. China is nowadays very corrupt, partly thanks to Westerners like the infamous former US president Richard Nixon. Corruption of one sort breeds corruption of other sorts. So now adult content is believed to be out of control with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) middle-management types. Web site security on government and military Web servers in China is stronger than in the West as is shown by the fact that because apart from loads of dubious porn material, CDC didn't find the same kind of vulnerabilities as are found in the West.

CDC state: "We couldn't care less about these (Chinese) assholes. Any country that props up dictators and practices genocide doesn't catch a break from us. China should be grateful that we just found this bone-polishing material."

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