Sunday, November 04, 2007

George makes second Dando murder appeal

The man found guilty of murdering the television presenter Jill Dando is challenging his conviction in the Court of Appeal. Barry George will argue that one of the crucial pieces of evidence in the original trial, the discovery of a single particle of firearms residue on his coat, should not have been admitted.

IMO: Certainly, on the face of it, the conviction looks almost incredibly implausible. We are then left with the query as to whether the Police have simply adopted the apparently common view "Let us simply jail some retard or noddy, in effect so we can readily continue our so-called "Spanish practices"" - and if so, what should be done. Sack all Fulham Police ? Can substitutes be found without such an expense that mortgaging the council's parking meters and cultural centres if any will be required ? Perhaps Al Quaeda may fill the gap for some ? Or would it be easier to leave an innocent retard in jail ? What a bunch of appalling hypocrites.

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