Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wiggy jurist wants a more inclusive society

"All your DNA are belong to US".

Lord Justice Sedley says "Everybody, guilty or innocent, should expect their DNA to be on file for the absolutely rigorously restricted purpose of crime detection and prevention."

IMO: Expensive and impractical. Even most "middle ways" would need much more thought by the informed.

Others make many comments, like the following:
He seems to want to treat *everyone* as a suspect which means that if your DNA is somehow found at a crime scene (eg a criminal plants a hanky they've stolen from you) then you will have to *prove* that you weren't there and, if you can't, that's as good as a conviction. We already have a Government that wants to monitor our every move and make us have ID Cards and put us all on a National Identity Database, now we have the Judges and the Police saying that having everyone's DNA would make their job easier. I'm sure the Stasi and the KGB would have said exactly the same thing...We'll see how you feel about having 'nothing to hide' when you're implicated in a serious crime because some data entry monkey misspelt your name when they fed you into the grinder. It's *my* dna - not yours, not the police's, not the govenment's etc. I fancy putting a 24-hour webcam in Sedley's living room. if he has nothing to hide, he has nothing to fear. If he has, like most of the other judges who are frequently pedophiles and other perverts, nick him and give him PD. Can someone please explain when we substituted a democracy for a totalitarian state? It's like a death by a thousand cuts, and crap like this makes me seriously consider emigrating.

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