Saturday, September 08, 2007

BBC admits Yentob involved in deception claims

This discovery follows the unfortunate fact that various UK TV channels have been charging people millions of pounds for TV prize and lottery tickets and then rigging the prize in advance. Probably this still goes on, so people neither trust nor respect TV as much as they may have done.

The end product of the interviews used in the BBC1 arts series "Imagine" gave the impression that Mr Yentob had conducted interviews when he had not in fact been present. No details were available as to which interviews Mr Yentob attended and which he did not. It seems that the BBC have filmed shots showing Alan Yentob nodding and included them when he was not present at various interviews, trying to deceive viewers that Yentob was actually present at some rather boring TV work.

So fraud is, as BBC seem to claim, a "standard industry technique".

Apparently Five News subsequently announced it would not be using techniques such as 'nodding' or 'walking' shots in any of its reports. But in view of the fact that Five now admit to "walking" shot fraud as well, can we believe that they will stop now as they now have officially admitted to viewer fraud ?

IMO: So now we can't believe that if Paxman interviews say, Gordon Brown, that either he or Gordon Brown are actually shown. If so, we might as well view impersonators like Rory Bremner if we want news ? And I have always thought that Cameron had simply been botoxed too much. Perhaps Cameron is actually Osama Bin Laden wearing a mask. AFTER THESE DISCLOSURES DO YOU REALLY DOUBT I AM SERIOUS ?

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