Saturday, August 18, 2007

CIA, Vatican editing Wikipedia clandestinely

A new Wikipedia tool has apparently revealed the CIA and the Vatican are altering entries on the user-generated free online encyclopaedia.

The CIA has allegedly changed over 300 entries including entries about the Iranian President, the Argentine navy, and China's nuclear arsenal.

The Vatican has massaged entries on several Catholic Saints as well as Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams including removing “links to newspaper stories written in 2006 that alleged that Adams’s finger prints and hand prints were found on a car used during a double murder in 1971.”

US Republican and Democratic parties, Fox News and the British Labour party (under Tony B. Liar) have of course also clandestinely altered entries. And of course, the Diebold Comapny has altered the 'hanging chad' entries.

The CIA actually made a statement: "I cannot confirm that the traffic you cite came from agency computers......The CIA has a vital mission in protecting the United States, and the focus of this agency is there, on that decisive work."

The US Democrats have apparently altered an entry about Rush Limbaugh's audience which now reads: "Most of them are legally retarded."

An edit traced by Wikiscanner to the BBC changes causes of former prime minister Tony Blair's heart palpitations from strong coffee and vigorous gym workouts to vodka and exertion in a bedroom. A BBC computer changed U.S. President George W. Bush's middle name from "Walker" to "Wanker" at Wikipedia.

A computer belonging to Reuters news service is listed as adding "mass murderer" to a Wikipedia description of Bush.

All this had been discovered using a new Wikipedia scanner.

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