Sunday, July 08, 2007

The people paid by the NHS to cure you will kill you

According the the UK Telegraph, which goes on to say "Irrespective of how closely they were linked to al-Qaeda, it is clear the alleged bombers were fanatical jihadists".

One of these fellows for example would tell his colleagues: "We should not learn medicine. We should learn how to fight the occupation."

According to the Indian Express, Australian police questioned four more Indian doctors in connection with the UK terror plots and have seized computers and other equipment during fresh raids. All have been released.

It is one thing to put people in jail for having radical views and/or holding subversive literature. "Revolting students" have always been an important sector in Western Universities, and have always had some rights.

It is however another thing if they start going around killing members of the general public.

Some people are now being trained as doctors to give them a better chance to murder members of the general public.

IMO: I do not think that this is a simple matter to deal with. There is probably no simple "this far and no further" solution. These matters have to be dealt with carefully and stepwise, considering individual cases and building up a bank of case law to refer to usefully. Case law is extremely important in the UK! And there is little time. Fortunately the creaking structure of democracy at least gives us some time. And so it is most important that we should preserve democracy and free speech. But the medical profession can still have these people removed from it and deported, jailed, or given other work - however correct their views may be considered at some later time or in a distant country..

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