Thursday, June 07, 2007

Problems, problems...

The missile silos that are to be built in Poland next year will house 10 interceptor missiles, whose sole function will be to shoot down missiles fired at Europe and America from rogue states such as Iran and North Korea. They are not designed to carry warheads, nor can they be adapted to do so. And unlike the Russian nukes aimed at Europe, the American missile interceptors will be directed at the most likely source of an attack, namely the Middle East and South-east Asia.

The Russians know all this, not least because the Pentagon has been at pains to explain the nuts and bolts of its missile defence system and has even invited Moscow to participate - a suggestion that has met with a stony silence from the Kremlin.

Given all this, some US Democrats still say : "thanks to President Putin -- who has suggested that, instead of placing elements of GMD in the Czech Republic and Poland, the United States should consider using and developing the radar site at Gabala, Azerbaijan"

IMO: I am very peaceful but this sort of thing makes me wish to be a US citizen, just for long enough to vote Republican next time round.

Putin, by selling nuclear materiel to Iran, has sown the wind, and the uncharitable may say that his present attempts to win votes for himself and his dodgy cronies will make the Russian people reap the whirlwind.

Muslim Chechnia has been a problem to Russia since before the time of Tolstoy, and Putin seems now to be trying to win votes by selling nuclear materiel to Muslim Iran and denying Russia any chance of eventual peacemaking or being under a European umbrella.

IMO: When I went to Russia in Kruschev's day, there were 'problems' but at least an element of security, pensions and a reasonably good health service. They warned me then: If Russia links with the Western capitalist monkeys, which it probably will, there will be a bad phase of almost state Mafia control in Russia (I knew what they meant as a student of Gustavus Myers' "History of the Great American Fortunes") - and then - goodness knows but we hope for the best only. Well I have to say there have been failed coups and the like in Russia but still no stability. I am only hoping for improvement and perhaps a decent replacement for Putin. I think there could be a fair chance of this and one thing is that I am not sure of is whether it is helpful for Putin to be shirty with the somewhat inept Toady B.Liar - the poor devil is perhaps trying to offer constructive criticism and at least on paper, both he and Gordon Brown are possibly better socialists than Putin, not that that says much.

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