Friday, June 29, 2007

Legal appeal for sacred bull

Lawyers for a Carmarthenshire-based Hindu group have set out the monks' legal case under human rights laws.

It is two months since the six-year-old black Friesian tested positive for bovine TB during a routine screening. But these routine tests seem only intended to be designed to save Welsh farmers money and not to protect individual livestock from indiscriminate slaughter.

Further tests suggest there are other remedies for those who value life.

Brother Michael, from the Hindu group, said its solicitors had now written to Ms Davidson to set out their position "in relation to the Human Rights Act".

"And we have sent a detailed set of proposals on a simple systematic approach of how we would further test, isolate and treat Shambo," he said. "We are hopeful the minister will take time to look at what the solicitors have laid out and realise we are outside the farming model - none of our animals enter the food chain."

There is a video of the vet's report here, and this exempts Shambo from slaughter too.

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