Monday, June 11, 2007

All very bad form


It seems to have been sanctioned by the UK Parliament, at least since the time of Margaret Thatcher. You may have heard of the UK Parliament, you. know, that mob of worthless scumbags whose jailbirds Joe Kagan and Rudy Sternberg dyed the UK Police blue, who unintentionally admitted offences under the anticorruption act under Blair (blogged here) and have a Gordon Brown being currently investigated by the Charity Commission (also blogged here). The below is from "The London Telegraph" via "The Age". And there's lots, lots more

"Long after midnight, the party is in full swing, the music loud, the whisky and champagne flowing. In the penthouse suite at a five-star London hotel, six attractive young British women, most in short, tight dresses that leave little to the imagination, sashay between wealthy princes from Saudi Arabia, flirting and laughing slightly more loudly than the Arabs' witticisms merit.

A silver dish of white powder, with matching spoon, is passed around. From time to time a couple slips out of the suite only to reappear half an hour later and seek new friends. Others do not feel impelled to leave to share intimate moments but settle on a sofa or the four-poster in the main bedroom oblivious, perhaps, to their fellow partygoers.

A millionaire British businessman standing near the window overlooking Hyde Park, drinks in the decadent scene.

"It was my first party with the Saudis, in the early '90s, and it was a bit of an eye-opener," he recalls. "We'd been to the casino and I watched the princes gamble like there was no tomorrow. The money they threw around was staggering. Then we went upstairs for the party. It was shocking but fascinating at the same time."

One woman at the party tells him she was paid hundreds of pounds to attend and will earn much more by sleeping with one - or more - of the Saudi visitors. "She said she would get £2000 ($A4700) for spending the night with a prince," he says. "The Saudis had their favourite girls and liked to think they were their girlfriends in London. They don't like to admit they are paying for sex."

Days later, back in their home city of Riyadh, some 4800 kilometres from their London playground, the Saudi princes are on their best behaviour. No alcohol, no drugs, no whores. Perhaps the occasional drink, but discreetly, in private, with close friends. They know a flogging awaits those who are caught with as much as a glass of Johnnie Walker by the dreaded religious police, who torture suspects with impunity.

For this is the country where Islamic sharia law reigns, the Koran is the constitution, woman are not allowed to drive and where the religious zealots hold sway over law and order in a delicate pact with the ruling House of Saud, the extended royal family that holds every government post."

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