Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Litvinenko (2)

Due to Blair's poodle like submission to George Bush earlier, it looks as if Lugovoy, if sent to UK for the reasons referred to in the earlier blog, could then be referred to Guantanimo Bay for torture without trial or at the very least, get the fate of the NatWest Three.

There is, of course, also the possibility nowadays anywhere in Western Europe of 'extraordinary rendition', but that remains another matter. On that matter maybe we could find ourselves back with some kind of clandestine 'Checkpoint Charlie' situation of the kind which to some must have been nearly a daily occurrence in West Berlin, with strange furtive movements in cars and gunshots on both sides. That is documented elsewhere. I am not aware of those things being quite as bad as they were.

Now these sorts of alternatives can hardly be considered acceptable, on the face of it, for any Russian citizen. There is, of course, the possibility of a subsequent UK PM putting right Blair's earlier poodle ways.

IMO: Gordon Brown may or may not decide rectify some of Blair's alleged errors re extradition or whatever to the US. A change in that position might change the cards on the table importantly both for Lugovoy (most unfavorably) and Western Europe (mildly favorably).

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