Monday, March 26, 2007

Town wins battle to ban beer

March 27, 2007 A BOOZE-free town has won a battle to stay dry and stopped a supermarket opening an off-licence. Bournville has had no pubs or bottle shops since choc tycoon George Cadbury founded it 100 years ago.

But its Tesco Express applied to sell alcohol for three hours a day. The council turned the off-licence down.

Local Sam Stephenson, 26, said: “This is a great victory. It’s good to know people can stand up to huge companies who think they can just waltz in and change the rules.”

Tesco said the branch will be its only booze-free shop in the UK. Quaker Cadbury built Bournville near Birmingham for factory workers.

You can't drink and drive safely and you do not think clearly when you are drunk. The council have behaved correctly and it is to be hoped that similar measures may occur elsewhere.

Earlier blogs have made it plain that alcohol is addictive and a health hazard - not a personal opinion only but a medical view. It ill behooves any firm to push harmful addictive substances at an unwilling or misled community.

Alcohol is normally forbidden in many countries unlike the decadent UK which is clearly on the way downhill with crime and corruption. I have even heard it said that Tony Blair is becoming to look more and more like the devil himself. Personally I think he has suffered from bad photography recently and may be in poor health but anyway he is the cause of wars and trouble.

IMO: Alcohol is prohibited to strict Hindus and Muslims (who are a large percent of the world's population) and even by many of the lower orders like some Christians, and it should be eschewed by all.

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