Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pope issues strict rules on the Eucharist, brings back Latin Mass

Mar 13, Vatican City - Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday reaffirmed his conservative views on matters of faith by issuing strict rules on the Eucharist and by inviting priests to revive Latin as the main language used during Holy Mass. In his 140-page document, Benedict reiterated his strong opposition to remarried Catholics and non-Catholic Christians taking part in the Eucharist and invited priests to refrain from celebrating the sacrament during weddings or funerals attended by non-practising Catholics.

'I ask that future priests ... be trained to understand and celebrate Holy Mass in Latin, use Latin texts and execute Gregorian chants,' the pope wrote.

He said Church should not jettison the rich heritage of sacred music it has created in 2,000 years of history. Last week, the Pope disclosed in a new book that in 1997 he was opposed to Bob Dylan appearing at a youth event with the late Pope John Paul because he considered the pop star the wrong kind of "prophet".

Of course he also upholds celibacy for priests, the ban on communion for remarried divorcees, and is opposed to gay marriage.

IMO: I think Tony B. Liar is more likely to become a Catholic than I am (not at all) but I can't blame Ratzinger for wanting a Latin mass (I know academic Latin but not church Latin) as it is much nicer. His other ideas may help remove a whiff of brimstone and the feeling of the proximity of the final abyss from RC believers. Personally I prefer Hinduism : in a word "better to live forever on beggar's bread than to banquet daily on a friend's flesh and drink his blood as if it were champagne" as so many nonvegetarian people do, as their best friends may win at Crufts. Just a thought, and it is certainly practical and day to day.

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