Thursday, March 15, 2007

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed believed a 'noddy'

A 'noddy' is a UK term for someone who admits to a lot of crimes, usually in the hope of getting remission of sentence. The idea being that by doing so, he has thus obtained more credit for the police who can say that they have solved crimes that the 'noddy' has actually had nothing to do with. The situation usually arises when the 'noddy' has already been seriously caught for at least one crime, for example on video, or he is simply some kind of mental case or retard who has not committed any crimes at all - or sometimes the 'noddy' falls into both categories. In the US, where police/CIA torture is more or less routine, it is believed that it is standard form to tell the suspect that he will be killed anyway, but that he will suffer less torture if he saves the authorities time by immediately admitting to some crimes which they have to solve, but which he may well not have been involved with.

The UK term 'noddy' is derived from the children's cartoon 'Noddy' in which a rather mentally retarded type called 'Noddy' rides around in a 'Noddy car'. In the trade, the 'noddy' rides around in the Police vehicle or 'noddy car' to the scenes of various crimes where he only needs to nod (as by this time the suspect may be in bad shape) if he can reasonably have been said by Police to have committed the crime. Presumably the Police need to do this to ensure that, for example, the suspect just could have been there and done the crime. (for example not provably out of town although in the Jill Dando case they may have slipped up even on that FAIK).

I have known cases where the UK police have simply convicted on verbals against opposing video evidence. In fact I can think of at least 7 current cases right now which are simply coerced social cases, mental retards, etc, some of whom are not guilty of offenses but 'might have been'.

The situation with Toady B. Liar running things in the UK, is that the police have to watch their backs and get convictions 'somehow'. I hope they get convictions on Toady B. Liar and on 'Lord' Levy.

"I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed said in a statement he wrote, which was read to the hearing by a military officer representing him. "For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the internet holding his head," he said.

Fair enough, but the other 31 offenses or proposed offenses like killing the Pope and blowing up the UK Houses of Parliament (satisfactory and sensible acts as some may consider them to be) don't actually seem to be proved. The obvous thing is that since by now the fellow is probably convinced he may be executed by the hick Americanos, he might as well admit to those things too, to take the heat off his cronies. A kindly act, and I am sure there is no reason to take a view that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would not act in such a kindly way, unlike say psychos like 'wonderful mind' Nash, who was said to be a real bastard.

IMO: I can think of at least three problems the US have been led to. The important first being a false moral position to the effect 'Of course we do not approve of torture but, given torture, .. thus and thus...' - effectively approving US torture. Secondly, since the guy has made them happy by admitting certain crimes, now they won't bother to find the real crooks who have done the crimes. Thirdly, the latter point implies at least the possibility of further corruption by the authorities.

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