Monday, March 12, 2007

Brown and Cameron outline preliminary green plans for UK

The NZ Herald sums it up roughly accurately as "Brown prefers 'green' incentives, Tories want taxes".

In other words neither UK party will do enough and the Tories even lie. John Redwood, supposedly the Tory 'green' representative, in fact says he welcomed global warming - claiming it will boost tourism.

In his blog, Redwood at first claimed the idea that pollution led to global warming was a "swindle". He then said if it was happening, we should "welcome the good effects it will have". He added: "We will benefit from the better weather for tourism, agriculture and outdoor sports." According to the BBC he now says crap like there are no Chelsea tractors on Mars, but they have global warmimg. An incoherent mess, like much proposed Tory policy, unfortunately.

The trouble is that fools believe other fools - Czech Civic Democrats (ODS) and the British Conservatives will jointly found a new center-right group in the European Parliament. Dennis McShane, former British Minister of State for Europe, says "the ODS leaders’ position on global warming is eccentric, to say it politely."

IMO: Maybe the ODS have hired the 'good soldier Schweik', though I would have thought even he would have had nothing to do with them on their present showing.

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