Sunday, January 07, 2007

Report: Israel Plans Nuclear First Strike on Iran

BBS News says: It sounds like something right out of Pat Robertson's perilous predictions playbook, yet the Sunday Times in Britain is reporting that Israel is training for a nuclear bombing mission on Iran. One would not have to look far to find where Israel would be getting "bunker busting" bombing technology,

IMO:Hmm, a lot of alarmist reports around about the response to Iran. Some also say Negroponte preparing for war with Iran - supposedly first mentioned in an article in the Boston Globe Jan 2 but I can't find precisely such unsoothing words therein. But the idea of Israel taking this step sounds, from Israel's viewpoint, a logical step in the short term. Half the Gulf seems to want nukes now, at least in some quarters, and this might put them off - or perhaps the opposite.But why pull the beagle's ears just to make it squeal ? with global warming we'll soon all quite likely be dead anyway.

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