Wednesday, November 15, 2006

New applications of evanescent coupling

Evanescent coupling has been used in the past for various effects including time reversal of light. Evanescent coupling can potentially be a highly efficient process.

The New Scientist this week says, for what it is worth: "In the wireless charger design, alternating current from the mains is converted to this resonant frequency and sent into the circuit. The current travels round the circuit, generating a magnetic field as it passes through the inductor loop and an electric field as it passes through the capacitor. This pulsing magnetic field extends up to 5 metres around the device. Placing one of these wireless chargers in each room of a home or office could provide coverage throughout the building...... Soljacic presented the results at the American Institute of Physics Industrial Physics Forum in San Francisco on 14 November. The team is now trying to develop a prototype device."

IMO: So maybe charging batteries etc. by wireless will be possible instead of putting them in a mains wired battery charger, just like WiFi internet connections are now routine. So we could have genuinely mains free electric shavers and DAB radios. DAB radios use up batteries very quickly. A lot of other applications should quickly come to mind. Some of these could be quite new and even bizarre, for example in brain machine interface applications.

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