Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Most European countries more corrupt than Botswana

Transparency International's 2006 top of the pops in corruption list has just come out. They claim a high correlation between poverty and corruption. Details here.

Botswana's score places it above twenty-one states in Europe included in the survey, including eleven of the member states of the European Union. That figures.

Arab Emirates, Bahrein and Qatar are about the same as Israel which seems about right.

IMO: A better correlation index might include other factors such as the prison population, abolition of the death sentence etc. Saudi Arabia comes out here the same as India which perhaps means that virtue/religion balances wealth. ie Saudi - rich - Wahabi, India - poor - Hindu. Some of these statistics should be useful to scientifically minded sociologists. I have great doubts about the good rating given to US and UK, also if Iceland and New Zealand really are near the top, God help us all.

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