Wednesday, November 08, 2006

London bus shelters to get solar power

This power, believed to be about 200 watts per shelter, is supposed to illuminate the shelters and avoid expensive and needless power reticulation networks. However the 11,800 shelters they apparently intend to advertise will cost about 600 watts per shelter, partly to power the adverts.

The adverts will presumably be of the variety which some people will remember from a few years ago "My daughter Nellie likes eating slugs and snails ", like we had before in London. Some would think this a jolly advertising prank, I suppose. As a vegetarian I disapprove. I will not make jokes about advertisers placing their adverts on their person "where the sun does not shine" as I suppose it is at least better then dismal unlit shelters.

More importantly it is at least showing some ecological goodwill and could be a trailblazer for more significant future events. The present steps, if and when implemented, are supposed to save 1,200 tons of carbon dioxide emissions over 15 years. Not a lot but at least it is a step.

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