Thursday, November 30, 2006

Litvinenko murder

November 30: Conspiracy theories abound. It is now claimed that there is increasing evidence, here, that the radioactive poisoning assassination of ex-KGB and FSB agent and Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko was the result of a plot by anti-Vladimir Putin criminal syndicates based in Britain, Israel, Ukraine, and Poland to embarrass the Russian government. Litvinenko has been described as a Russian-Israeli "double agent" and was reported to have transferred classified Russian documents in Yukos to a Russian-Israeli exiled oligarch in Tel Aviv. Double agents are always in danger from the party they are working against.

Madsen seems to be a dyed in the wool conspiracy buff. But his comments make some sense insofar as former Russian Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar became violently ill after eating breakfast at a conference he was attending in Dublin, Ireland. Ireland's banking secrecy laws has made it a favorite location for the Russian-Israeli Mafia. In suspect countries like Russia and Israel, the word 'mafia' appears often enough to refer to partially state-sponsored crime syndicates. Putin's Mafiosi critics in Britain, Israel, Moscow, and other countries have accused the Russian leader of poisoning Litvinenko and attempting to kill Gaidar.

The matters are of interest at least as far as they pertain to Russian oil revenues and control. Obviously Russians don't want to freeze and will try to avoid freezing whilst others warm themselves. Before Putin moved in to take over Yukos Oil from the Russian criminal syndicates, there were plans to build a Russian-German gas pipeline through Poland. So Polish neo-cons and US campfollowers like Sikorski and the US so-called "liberals" must also be considered as suspect, but anyway Poland as well as Israel and even Germany must want to dip their beaks.

IMO: I am very tempted to say "boring, boring". At this point, however, there is one obvious moral: The energy/ecology crisis is hotting up and is now more than simple chit-chat. It really is worth remembering too, that it is not a simple matter of gas-guzzling SUVs, greedy Yanks with a vote and ridiculous "Chelsea Tractors" - though it is that as well - but the fact that when it gets cold in Russia, it is really cold.

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