Friday, November 10, 2006

Have flying saucers landed ?

Earlier this week, the former member of England’s Ministry of Defense (MoD), Nick Pope, decided to step down from his post and speak out about his worries that highly credible sightings of alien aircraft within our skies are being dismissed and that “The consequences of getting this one wrong could be huge.”

Pope is not giving up though and has decided that he is going to continue his research into extra terrestrial life in a private capacity which will follow up his four books dealing with alien life and his experiences with the UFO department at the MoD.

IMO: I was one of those consulted over the Condon report and US money was spent on that with only negative results. No interim work has altered my general scepticism of UFOs allegedly found or sighted so far. Clearly there are many phenomenon (like say blindsight) which really do occur or which may occur (like synaesthesia) and potentially plausible phenomena (like NDEs). All of these seem more interesting than UFOs, even if UFOs were there. If Pope is that convinced, let him go ahead on his own time. Alternatively, is this some kind of elaborate establishment hoax?

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