Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Blame Tessa Jowell not Grade if BBC loses its franchise

The hick dour Scot Gordon Browne has every good reason to take away the BBC franchise and sack Jowell from the Cabinet. I'm afraid some take the view that all Scots are ass-lickers, caused by imperialist British rule and one of the highest standards of living in Europe, (certainly higher than London - treat 'em rough to get good work). And Browne will certainly have to lick the Australian Murdoch's ass to become PM. You can now see how wise it is from Bliar's point of view to hang onto his crap job of Prime Minister as long as he can, keeping Browne waiting before he is obliged to inflict his puny plans and ideas on the nation, doubtless under the indirect tutelage of Rupert.

The trouble with the BBC was using Jowell as their spokesperson instead of some more suitable, with what seems to be her dodgy Mafia connection and her friendship with Livingstone. And in fairness who can blame Grade for leaving, after all running the BBC Trust was going to be a dead boring job. Grade needs a challenge and ITV today is certainly that. What is really needed is possibly not programs on demand (like Sky can give at a highish price), but advertisements on demand, and ITV is still far from that, an option commonly considered in US internet circles. Even so , a lot can be done at ITV but nobody can envy Grade the job of trying, lets hope for ITVs sake that he does better than Stuart Rose at M. & S. I am not an expert, just fed up with the incompetence all around me in the UK. It is not all a joke for ordinary people, even if it is for these crummy 'higher-up' hypocrites.

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