Monday, October 16, 2006

Winston Churchill's great-grandson held on £5m drug trafficking charges

In Australia, of course.

In the corrupt criminal regime of Tony B. Liar in the UK, presumably as a descendent of Winston Churchill he and his toadying NZ cronies would have been let off.

Winston Churchill's best remembered phrase: "Singapore shall not fall" (just before he surrendered it to Japan) and best battle "Gallipoli" (a useless battle which he lost with needless casualties). Many Indians best remember Winston's alleged perpetration of the Bengal genocide which left four million innocent Bengalis dead.

Perhaps the crooked Tony B. Liar is Winston Churchill's most approriate successor. What a pity that Winston's drug baron descendant was too stoned to take the job.

Anil Chawla remarks "Given a choice, I would rather die in a gas chamber than die of starvation begging on the streets. Viewed from this perspective, Hitler appears humane and even angelic, while Churchill puts even the devil to shame."

IMO: Well, I do not know that I would go quite that far, either death sounds bad and we do have to live with Europe and America, hopefully in peace and harmony as 'they are not the same people today'. But given the apparently bloodthirsty nature of UK and America you really would think they could solve the Iraqi problem. Certainly, in the UK there were millions on the streets urging no war. What we have had is seemingly almost a million dead so far and nukes probably needed to sort it out effectively. How many more innocent people need to die before neutron bombs are used? After all, America needs the oil to run its flash cars. And so does China now.

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