Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Solution to Iraq's problem: the "behaviour modification bomb"

The Pentagon examined the possibility of developing an aphrodisiac bomb that would cause enemy troops to find one another sexually irresistible, newly declassified documents reveal. A £5 million six-year research project suggested "One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behaviour." Detailed PDF account here.

It seems "that people in many areas of the world do not find faecal odour offensive since they smell it on a regular basis". Sounds like Washington D.C. all right, metaphorically at least. The Pentagon told the BBC: "It's important to point out that only those proposals which are deemed appropriate, based on stringent human effects, legal, and international treaty reviews are considered for development or acquisition."

IMO: Many republicans are apparently homosexuals. So perhaps USA has a hard choice. Is it best, as generals are now suggesting just before US elections, to send in yet more troops, or to unleash a behaviour modification bomb. The first alternative may lead to the loss of yet more Iraqi and US lives. It is said that the strict but widely varying Islamic practices in Iraq could live with the latter prospect, but is such behaviour modification morally justified. Clearly the US have been toying, at least, with various SM and FD techniques, and worse, in Guantanimo Bay, but anyway will the so-called "gay bomb" be widely available on time. It could change the face of Iraq completely and indeed turn the place into even more of a sick joke.

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