Monday, September 25, 2006

USA and Musharaf

In his memoir, Musharaf says he now believes that the equipment sent to 'infidel' North Korea several years ago by Pakistan’s nuclear chief included some of Pakistan’s most technologically advanced nuclear centrifuges.

IMO Pakistan seems to be bringing the subcontinent into disrepute. This is not in its own benefit. There are no serious problems between India and Pakistan. Pakistan is a bust country who itself admits that it's only victory in history is killing an 80-year old rebel, referred to as the Bugti murder. It has problems in Baluchistan and Waziristan, though the ridiculous US - inspired Taliban is partly the cause. There is no real problem with Kashmir and any difficulties should be sorted out once the Indian Free Trade Area, now getting under way, properly encompasses Pakistan. This is a potential no lose situation all round. There should not even be any real need to displace Musharaf and to do so could be a grave mistake, if he behaves himself properly in the USA, unlike Japan's Koizumi, pictures referred to in earlier blog.

Moral: USA can be Pakistan's friend.- up to a point. Some of us who remember the UK experience of lend-lease, where England paid America dearly for its support over Adolf Hitler and fascist US companies were warmongering profiteers throughout world war II at the expense of the lives of America's own citizens will not be surprised or feel as a disgrace the 'bust nation' status of any country dealing with USA.

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