Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pluto decreed 'not a planet'

Pluto lost its planetary status recently in a decision by the International Astronomical Union. Pluto was the first American-discovered planet and was discovered at Lowell Observatory. Lowell had been a wealthy donor with somewhat of an astronomical bee in his bonnet and all were greatly pleased at the time. (The saw goes "The Lowells spoke only to Cabots, and the Cabots spoke only to God" - snobs or what?).

Anyway God has apparently found new friends and Pluto is no more a planet.

Some, presumably including those who mock God, have asserted that Pluto's demise is based on a desire on the part of publishers to sell more textbooks. But Pluto always seemed a typical 'American' discovery so perhaps it is all to the good.

Three new planetary contenders were introduced into the debate that also didn't make the cut: Ceres, Charon and 2003 UB313, currently nicknamed "Xena.". Xeni Jardin had even suggested it would be nicer to call it "Xeni" (after herself) which I must say sounds a better and even a more romantic idea. (XENA? . Aw, c'mon guys! Where's the love? So close, and yet one vowel away), But like all romantic ideas ultimately do, perhaps this one now carries its own unhappy irony.

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