Friday, August 25, 2006

'Indians are unruly fliers'

.. apparently, hadn't noticed it myself.

The 12 Indian men arrested and later released at Amsterdam following a security alert on a Northwest Airlines flight were treated "inhumanely", said a Dutch passenger who was on the plane. "The way they got arrested inside the plane with everybody seeing how they got treated, I though it was inhuman. They were treated like dogs," said Antunius Slotboom and then he too was kicked off the plane after he remarked that the arrests were akin to what the Germans had done under Hitler during World War II. "They came to me and said, okay you come with us and you are not allowed to fly any more," he said.

IMO: Scratch an American and you'll find a Gestapo member, figuratively. Sounds like typical NorthWest Airlines behaviour to me. I don't think Americans understand foreigners most of the time, as USA seems so nice and cosy to its wealthier citizens. Overall, many people in USA seem poor compared to a wealthy place like Canada. Indian Airlines staff said "If we were to follow such strict rules in India, then every flight would have to make emergency landing."

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