Friday, July 21, 2006

Dealing with USA is not always a good idea.

Acording to the admittedly partial Counterpunch

"US Secretary of State Condi Rice has announced that she will go to the Middle East to resolve “the crisis” when it is appropriate. Apparently, the appropriate time is not when people are dying and a country, which had only just recovered from the last Israeli invasion, is again being bombed into rubble.

How many more war crimes (says Counterpunch) must Israel commit before Bush and Condi Rice put aside their indifference?"

It does seem, however, that for Israel, the fight genuinely does appear to be for survival. Now Arab states gripe that Israel does not deserve to exist and this may be true, but the fact is that it does exists and its war with Hezbollah (not the poor Lebanon) is actually being lost by Israel according to Counterpunch itself.

Iran has had a problem with bad public relations before and it may well be that, despite itself, it is drawn into a confrontation with Israel. Iranian officials are believed by some to be considering purchases of missiles from North Korea (!???), and, leaving aside bias if any on the India/Pakistan matters, Pakistan has been openly hawking nukes around for years. Abdus Salam told me himself that the ridiculous nuclear tomfoolery of Pakistan was a very serious problem to him. To the man in the street, it looks now like a very simple move for Iran to obtain nukes from Pakistan and nuke Israel out of existence before the USA gets around to dealing with the matter. I am not taking sides on the issue. With no Israel, there will be no need for a peace intiative. Remember 9-11 ? George Bush's primary preoccupation then seems to have been to look after the Saudi Royal family. And remember New Orleans? Years ago I used to drive down the Chef Highway daily. It stank like a sewer and clearly New Orleans was a catastrophe waiting to happen and yes, the Bushies were well and adequately warned. These Bushies are not good Americans, they would stink up a clean sewer and they look after nobody but themselves and their cronies if any.

I, personally, see the whole situation as being folly. Now about Iraq. Saddam Hussein (doubtless a bad man) was conned by the Americans into invading Kuwait, and then some Bushies pocketed a lot of Saudi money for 'defense'. Poor Israel. Poor Iran. Dealing with USA is not always a good idea.

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