Saturday, July 15, 2006

Bloggers appear to be ignoring Mumbai

According to Ennis Singh Mutinywale, ( bloggers are ignoring Mumbai 7-11. His blog comments may well have some substance and certainly bloggers seem to have neglected the topic. In fact, one reason I am starting this general blog is that my brother-in-law, a Hindu of Mudaliar Brahmin caste, who is hoping to further a career as a television anchor-man or host, has just missed death by 15 minutes because of 7-11 .

My brother-in-law does not feel very pleased about the bombings as you can imagine, and I further noted that had Western Railways been on time, the catastrophe could have been far worse as I estimate that the explosion which occurred at Mira Road would have occurred over Vasai Creek and the train would have gone into Vasai Creek. Anyone who knows Vasai Creek will realise that it is quite deep and all on that train could be likely to be dead. There would have been thousands dead. These are all ordinary people fighting for their bread and butter. Now it seems that they have to fight for their lives. Fortunately my brother-in-law was just a few minutes later at the station than the explosions anyway.

I dont think bloggers are ignoring 7-11. There are thousands of blogs on this topic already.
To "Mumbai guy": I think the Mr. Singh had mainly referred to the world top 100 blogs. By now what you say is true in Mumbai, and may be in the world as well.

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